ka's m
atch w
orn ret
ro shirt
from th
e Macca
bi Haifa
vs. Mac
cabi Pet
ah Tikva
h match
played o
n April 3
rd, 2021
at the Sa
mi Offer
in Haifa
. Mabou
ka came
on as a substitute in the 71st minute replacing Sun Menachem. The match ended as a 1-1 draw. Haifa took an early
lead fro
m a 19' minute goal by Tjarron Cheri, but Petah Tikvah equalized in the 51' minute from Liel Abada.
The shir
t is extre
mely rar
e as this
match w
as only t
he secon
d time w
here Hai
fa wore
a 1 off c
orative s
hirt (firs
t time w
as in the
final ma
tch of th
e 2008/0
9 season
), and co
rates Ma
ccabi Ha
ifa's 198
4/85 ch
season. The
shirt contai
ns the same
Volvo spon
sor logo on
the front bu
t only has 2
stripes on t
he shoulder
s, instead o
f the standa
rd adidas 3.
The shirt al
so has the v
ariety spons
or on the ba
ck and the p
layers last n
Mabouka and Donyoh waiting to be subbed on |
Mabouka entering the pitch after replacing Sun Menachem |
Mabouka in action with a throw-in |
Haifa squad huddling up before the start of the match |
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